Help Save the Sunda Tigers

Make a Difference In these beautiful lives

The common name for this animal is the Sunda Tiger, but the scientific name is Pantera Tigris Sondaica. They live on the Sunda islands in Indonesia, their habitats are Tropical broadleaf evergreen forests, freshwater swamp forests and peat swamps. These tigers primarily eat wild pigs, sambar and barking deer, and primates such as macaques. These tigers help the environment by being a top predator which is at the apex of the food chain and keeps the population of wild ungulates in check, thereby maintaining the balance between prey herbivores and the vegetation upon which they feed. These animals are distinguished by heavy black stripes on their orange coat. This allows them to have the perfect camouflage to mimic light reflection on the forest floor. The main reasons these tigers are almost extinct is because of logging. Nearly 80% of their forest land is gone because of logging. The other main reason is because of HUMANS poaching, killing and hunting them. Both of these reasons are caused by humans and it‘s terrible. Things are trying to get put into motion to help these animals but people are stubborn and will do a lot for money and trophies. For example, people are trying to protect them and their home, reduce human-tiger conflict, and conducting science experiments on tiger to help inform conservation strategies. In the end people just need to stop ruining the tigers home and stop killing them for trophies or money.
What you need to know  imageWhat you need to know  image
* The purpose of the ESA is to protect and recover imperiled species along with their environments
* This was passed for these tigers because of there being less than 400 of them in the world and their home is also being destroyed because of logging.
* Due to the ESA transporting the tigers and their parts in and out of countries has decreased but not much else has changed.
* The federal government needs to ban illegal logging and replant trees around the world to help build new homes for the animals. They also need to try a lot harder to keep this species alive.
* The civilians need to STOP logging and poaching all together and others need to do something about it. They need to protect these animals as much as they possibly can.
How’s the Population doing? image
* There has been a 60% decrease in their population since 1978.
* By the rate of how many tigers are dying each year, it is expected that they go extinct in the year 2030
* Monitoring these patterns and the animals can help us realize how much time we have left to save them and determine what we need to change to save these beautiful animals 
     Isn’t it sad that we have to watch all these animals suffer? And for what; money, personaluse, or just straight up selfishness? An animal that is a prime example of these things is calledthe Sunda Tiger. There are less than 400 left on this earth. Their habitat is the Sunda Islands inIndonesia. They are decreasing more and more everyday, and it needs to stop. This short essay is going to be covering why these animals are going extinct and what we are doing to stop it, and what we need to do.

     To start off, the reasons these animals are going extinct is because of logging and poaching. Both of these things are caused by humans and what people do. The site world states “Most tigers in Sumatra are killed deliberately for commercial gain. According to a survey from TRAFFIC, the global wildlife trade monitoring network, poaching for trade is responsible for almost 80% of estimated Sumatran tiger deaths—amounting to at least 40 animals per year”. This is explaining how much this can affect our world and the animals that live here. People are literally using these animals to get money and for personal interest. The site also states “Habitat for the Sumatran tiger has been drastically reduced by clearing for agriculture (particularly oil palm), plantations, and settlement”. This is also showing how their home, where they live is getting torn apart. Again caused by humans and for our personal gain. To sum up, these beautiful animals are going extinct because of people’s selfishness.

     Next, people are trying to help stop these animals from going extinct. They are trying to pass laws, convince the people that this isn’t right to do. states “To ensure a world with healthy populations of wild tigers, we strive to stop the killing and trafficking of tigers. Key strategies: Protect tigers and their habitat.Build capacity in range states. Reduce human-tiger conflict. Conduct scientific research on tigers to help inform conservation strategies. Promote tiger-friendly policies. Monitor tiger numbers, population trends, and threats to tigers and their habitats”. People are trying to help and find ways to help these animals because it’s the right thing to do. More people need to realize that animals can’t be used for personal use and providing the laws and boundaries might be the only way to do it. also states, “Protecting the places where tigers live and breed is the backbone of TX2, an effort to double the number of wild tigers by 2022”. They are saying that if we can restore their homes and protect them as much as we can, we can stop them from going extinct or at least slow it down. It boils down to the fact that people are helping more and more everyday and in so many different ways.

     Lastly, Help Save the Sunda Tigers believes that one way we could increase the Sunda tigers population could be banning illegal logging in areas where there is a major population of animals there including poaching. This would have a drastic effect on the population of these animals and their homes. If illegal logging and poaching weren’t happening anymore the tigers number would double in their population. says “Illegal logging is the lead cause of degradation of the world’s forests. It includes the harvesting, transporting, processing, buying or selling of timber in violation of national laws”. This is relating by showing how illegal logging is effecting the economy and the environment around the world. This is one of the main things in the world that affects the animals that live on the forests around the globe and not in a good way. In conclusion, we need to stop these things and this could be the way to do it and end it all together.

     The Sunda tigers are going extinct because of illegal logging and poaching and we are doing so many things right now to try and stop it. There are at least less than 400 left on this earth and 40 on average are killed each year. Their homes are getting torn apart and destroyed because of selfishness and self interest. People are trying to help by running experiments, evaluating the tigers, protect them and their habitat and so much more. Selfishness and money gets in the way of people’s judgement and humanity most of the time and that’s because humans are easily corrupted. That’s the main reason these animals are suffering and paying the price for people’s greediness. In conclusion, we need to help these animals and protect them from any more harm.
A stretch to represent their pounce imageA stretch to represent their pounce image
Sunda tigers. January 2020. Web. 20 April. 2020.

Sunda tigers. Web. 23 April. 2020.

Sunda tigers. Web. 25 April. 2020.

Sunda tigers. Web. 25 April. 2020.